West Memphis Three: Worldwide Awareness Day 2007
The West Memphis 3 are three men tried and convicted for the murders of three children in the Robin Hood Hills area of West Memphis, Arkansas, United States during 1993. Damien Echols - the alleged ringleader - was sentenced to death. Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were sentenced to life in prison. The case has received considerable attention. Many believe the arrests and convictions were a miscarriage of justice and that the defendants were wrongfully convicted during a period of intense media scrutiny and so-called "Satanic panic".
June 3, 2007 marked the 14-year anniversary of the arrests of Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin. These men have been locked up for almost a decade and a half for a crime that was never accuratly proved to be committed by them. The many efforts to expose what happened to them in those Arkansas courtrooms is even more powerful and committed than ever before. Time hasn't diminished the outrage or the frustration over verdicts that grow even more absurd as the years have passed and more is exposed about what really happened to the murder victims, and the failings of the justice system. read up and learn abit, and thank your lucky stars this never happens to your family.
You can find out all the information you need to know at
OFFICIAL SITE : www.wm3.org
WEST MEMPHIS 3 : basic info
PARADISE LOST 1 : Synopsis
PARADISE LOST 2 : Synopsis
or email us at guerillablog@gmail.com and we will happily send you a free (DVD) copy of Paradise Lost 1 and 2, which are two detailed documentaries exposing this bizarre case. Spread the word, FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE!