West Memphis Three: Worldwide Awareness Day 2007
The West Memphis 3 are three men tried and convicted for the murders of three children in the Robin Hood Hills area of West Memphis, Arkansas, United States during 1993. Damien Echols - the alleged ringleader - was sentenced to death. Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were sentenced to life in prison. The case has received considerable attention. Many believe the arrests and convictions were a miscarriage of justice and that the defendants were wrongfully convicted during a period of intense media scrutiny and so-called "Satanic panic".
June 3, 2007 marked the 14-year anniversary of the arrests of Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin. These men have been locked up for almost a decade and a half for a crime that was never accuratly proved to be committed by them. The many efforts to expose what happened to them in those Arkansas courtrooms is even more powerful and committed than ever before. Time hasn't diminished the outrage or the frustration over verdicts that grow even more absurd as the years have passed and more is exposed about what really happened to the murder victims, and the failings of the justice system. read up and learn abit, and thank your lucky stars this never happens to your family.
You can find out all the information you need to know at
OFFICIAL SITE : www.wm3.org
WEST MEMPHIS 3 : basic info
PARADISE LOST 1 : Synopsis
PARADISE LOST 2 : Synopsis
or email us at guerillablog@gmail.com and we will happily send you a free (DVD) copy of Paradise Lost 1 and 2, which are two detailed documentaries exposing this bizarre case. Spread the word, FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE!

Really interesting, there is so much mis-justice in this world and when it comes from the so called “Leader” of the so called “free” world one can only wonder when is it coming to your back door? You only have to look at Guantanamo to understand how corrupt and unjust the US government is.
Would appreciate copy’s don Quijote.
consider it mailed my friend :)
we need to make ourselves aware of this type of thing, it keeps reminding us how lucky we are. i feel even more sorry for the family of the murdered in this case, it seemed justice was served / case closed for them, but its very clear these guys are inocent and that the true killer/s are still at large.
how many other cases follow this layout of misjustice? how many prisoners today are simply there to fill a quota? prison is a profitable venture nevertheless, but thats off topic.
the point is the more we are informed about these things, the less likely it is that they can fool us with this type of judgement and proceedure if it was ever to hit our local doorsteps.
glad to have your eyes here miguel, the team thanks you :)
Just been reading the new posting about the West Memphis 3 case.
It reminds me of a saying "no rich folk live on death row"...
In other words if you have the money for a good defence or the money to fight a charge in the beginning, then mostly you get a different menu of justice than these white boys who came from poor homes.
I hope the publicity will give them a achance ot have a fair hearing.
On another topic regarding truth in journalism and Govt investigationa on those who do tell the truth...have a look at this article:
The address for that article (ASIO spied on ABC journalists) is: http://www.worldnewsaustralia.com.au/region.php?id=137815®ion=7
Thanks for the heads up "anonymous" :)
For some spooky reason when the direct link address for the story is posted it changes?? but you can find the story by its headline "ASIO spied on ABC journalists" on the SBS WORLD NEWS page
Old ' n ' jaded
(previously anonymous)
Thanks for putting the proper link on there GT. Yes it shows that our Govt. may have been hindering the careers of those who tried to present the truth as they saw it.
Seems manipulation of the media also goes way back in time in Australian media.
Some of those journalists who were affected now know why they were targeted. I am hoping some come out and speak up publicly ...
and.....Strange how that link to the story changes...hmmm
keep up the good work...!
curious indeed!
theyre at it again
ABC just happens to be owned/run by our govt?! hah
interesting story about those boys too.
its a bit like lenard peltier ( spelling? ) american indian who was wrongly accused of killing a police officer or 2 long time ago.
some interesting reads perhaps -> http://www.ratm.com/new2/action/main.html
may or may not be along the correct lines but more information is always good!
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